Newsela PRO license offer still available!
OTAN is offering up to 200 Newsela PRO licenses to adult education teachers who teach at a WIOA-funded school site. Licenses will be valid for the school year through June 30th, 2018. Newsela provides stories on current events tailor-made for classroom use. Indexed by broad theme (e.g. War and Peace, Arts, Science, Health, Law, Money), stories are both student-friendly and can be accessed in different formats by reading level. Newsela is a great way to differentiate nonfiction reading.
To get a license, teachers will need to fill out a form and be willing to provide information through surveys up to 4 times per year. Additionally, teachers will need to complete at least one (1) training session given by Newsela to learn about the features available. Licenses are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have used the free version of Newsela, you can now have access to the PRO version! To sign up, fill out the form at: https://goo.gl/forms/Ig3GNpyTnxJI1QCh2 Be sure to follow the on-screen instructions at the end of the form.
For additional information, please contact OTAN Support (support@otan.us ) or call the office at: 916-228-2580.