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Building a Computer Science Program

Posted on 06/14/2023

5 Best Practices to Build a Computer Science Program within your agency. These five suggestions

  1. Establish a clear vision and goals for your agency ensuring alignment with existing curriculum standards and educational opportunities.
  2. Provide professional development opportunities for instructors to build their digital capabilities. These should also include foundational concepts and emerging technologies that encourage collaboration.
  3. Develop a comprehensive curriculum that spans distinct levels and incorporates coding, computational thinking, algorithms, and data analysis.
  4. Create a supportive infrastructure which invests in the necessary resources to support computer science education. This means ensuring access to appropriate hardware, software, and internet connectivity. Foster partnerships with technology companies, universities, and community organizations to tap into additional expertise.
  5. Foster engagement and inclusivity within computer science courses. Encourage participation from "underrepresented groups, including girls, minorities, and students with disabilities."

Also shared in this article are "Smart Strategies for Tight Budgets" to keep from derailment by the bottom line.

Full Article:  Building a Computer Science Program

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