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Senior Planet from AARP - Live Online Classes for Seniors

Posted on 06/22/2023

Screenshot of Senior Planet websiteScreenshot of Senior Planet website.

AARP (formerly called the American Association of Retired Persons) is the nation's "largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they age." As part of their mission, they have created a website called Senior Planet from AARP which offersonline classes, articles, 1:1 Tutoring, and Videos.

Their website is an amazing resource for Seniors trying to learn more about technology, accessing online fitness classes, and reading articles about many topics including travel, fitness, a Book Club, Money, and more.

The website's calendar offers many different types of classes that can be accessed by phone, online or by article and in English, Spanish, or Chinese. For example, the technology sessions for one day included all the following topics:

  • Money Matters: Online banking and keeping financial records safe.
  • Intro to Managing Your Online Privacy
  • Tips for Being News Savvy Online
  • Tech Discussion Groups

There is a free Senior Planet Hotline phone number for the community to use when needing help with joining a class or accessing anything on the website too.

Pass on this great website to the seniors in your life.

Website: Senior Planet Classes from AARP

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