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How UDL helps students merge onto the 'learning expressway'

Posted on 08/03/2023

Universal design for learning expressway

Developed by the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), UDL provides a framework for educators to create inclusive learning environments. “It really is about how we design instruction and recognizing that one-size-fits-all experiences, which have been perpetuated by the system forever, have been designed to exclude and oppress some learners,” said Katie Novak, author of UDL Now! A Teacher’s Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning.

In UDL, teachers provide students with multiple representations of new information, multiple ways to engage with that information, and multiple avenues for expressing their learning. Andratesha Fritzgerald, an educator and author of Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning, said UDL can be likened to a learning expressway with multiple means of representation, engagement and expression serving as on-ramps, traffic patterns and off-ramps. Summarized below are the central ideas from the article. To read the full text, click the link here (See link to article at the top of the page.)

On-ramp: Multiple means of representation

Educators provide multiple means of representation when they “introduce information in a variety of ways.” This can include “visual aids, graphic organizers, videos and audio to make information easier to understand.” Basically, the learning needs an “on ramp” taking the learner from where they are to where it is the learning wants to go.

Traffic pattern: Multiple means of engagement

When teachers give students a variety of ways “to participate in learning tasks, such as project-based learning, games or discussions.” “With providing different options of experiencing a learning task, the student is motivated to have a deeper learning experience.” Students are empowered “to make decisions about what support they need to participate in classwork, including selecting activities that interest them, determining whether they work alone or in a group, and how they are physically set up in the classroom.” This can mean a different selection of ways to position themselves, so they are ready to learn.

Off ramp: Multiple means of expression

Students are offered different options to show their learning. Whether written, oral presentations or art projects, students are “allowed to choose the materials they use to present information.” This creative kind of learning provides options for demonstrating a student’s knowledge and skill.

With UDL, teachers approach learning from a variety of angles best suited to meet the needs of all students.

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.