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Can Digital Pencils Really Revolutionize Math Learning for Students?

Posted on 02/04/2025

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Beyond AI and virtual reality tools, this article “highlights the power of something far simpler---the digital pencil.” A digital pencil is a “virtual scratchpad” which “allows students to draw, annotate, and organize their work directly on the screen using a digital pencil or their fingers.” Research suggests this tool can help in supporting diverse learners.

A hand drawing on a digital stetchpad
Photo by Michael Burrows

Key Ideas:

  • Using digital pencils, research states there was a “26% performance improvement for students with learning disabilities (LD) on simpler procedural tasks.”
  • “Digital pencils demonstrate the importance of tailoring tools to meet specific learner needs.”
  • Digital pencils serve as a “flexible, practical tool with clear potential to enhance math learning outcomes across diverse educational contexts.”

With any technological tool, the key “lies in... matching the tool’s capabilities to students’ needs ensuring equitable access and support.”

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