Resources for the Continuous Improvement Plan
(Updated March 18, 2021)
The California Department of Education (CDE) has integrated three previously separate deliverables required from Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) funded agencies into a new deliverable called the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP tool has been developed to assist agencies with program monitoring and development.
The CIP asks agencies to consider current relevant data, write specific performance goals, and identify strategies for achieving continuous improvement and learner success. As your agency is working on your CIP, there are resources that you can use as you craft your planning and writing.
- OTAN has a couple of videos on its YouTube channel that can help you write your SMART goals: How to Create SMART Goals
- To learn more about IELCE and IET, CASAS presented three webinars on these topics as a part of its EL Civics Conference 2020-2021: EL Civics Basics: Civic Participation and IELCE Requirements, Planning and Implementing a New IELCE IET Program, and How to Fill Out the IELCE IET Report
- Please reach out to the three State Leadership Projects for adult education in California if you have any questions as you're working on planning and SMART goals: CALPRO, CASAS, and OTAN
Good luck completing your Continuous Improvement Plan!