The Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education
We recently learned about the 2020 edition of The Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education. Although primarily written for scholars, this handbook is also a valuable resource for educators, administrators, and policymakers and it may be a resource that your school, consortium, or library considers for purchase.
The Handbook is divided into five main sections and covers a wide variety of topics, including:
- Foundations – The developments, core debates, perspectives, and key principles that form the basis of the field
- Understanding Adult Learning – Adult learning, adult development, motivation, access, participation, and support of adult learners
- Teaching Practices and Administrative Leadership – Organization and administration, program planning, assessment and evaluation, teaching perspectives, andragogy and pedagogy, and digital technologies for teaching and learning
- Formal and Informal Learning Contexts – Adult basic, GED, and literacy education, English-as-a-Second Language Programs, family literacy, prison education, and workforce development, as well as many other learning contexts
- Contemporary Issues
You can read this Review of The Handbook from the Summer 2022 issue of the journal Adult Literacy Education from our colleagues at ProLiteracy.