DLAC Selection Criteria
DLAC only welcomes team applications, fostering collaboration among 2–3 participants who are endorsed and supported by an administrator. DLAC will not accept individual participants.
We recognize that each team member will bring different strengths and talent to the team. The successful applicant team will demonstrate enthusiasm for educational technology, digital teaching, and use (or potential use) of online resources in their classrooms and programs. Each team can consist of teachers, coordinators, support, and/or administrators.
It is recommended each team member is comfortable with technology, and even more importantly is ready and willing to learn, experiment, and be able to share new knowledge and skills with colleagues. Strong time and file management skills are beneficial as well. These skills will prove helpful as teams work on their projects over the two years of DLAC.
Agency administration must show a willingness and commitment to support their Digital Leadership Academy team throughout the two years of the program. This includes accommodations for online meetings, workshops, and release time (without penalty to vacation, sick, or personal leave) for the training events in Sacramento and for attending state and local conferences and professional development events.
All team members must communicate with each other on the progress of their pieces of the application. All applicants are free to revise their information as needed. Once you and all other team members have completed this application, your administrator must review the team, select a team leader, and make the final submission for the entire team.
The weighted criteria for selection are:
Team Profiles
OTAN will review applications as teams from each agency. The criteria below will help ensure teams meet their long-term goals.
- The identified team is made up of individuals who can help meet the goals of the agency. (30%)
- Commitment to completing the Digital Leadership Academy, a two-year obligation. (30%)
- Willingness to learn and implement or develop leadership skills. (20%)
- Willingness to share integration strategies, experience, and/or learn new technology skills (20%)
Teams will use their relevant data, surveys, and other required WIOA Title II or non-WIOA deliverables such as the Continuous Improvement Plan to identify program areas they wish to improve. This information is meant to be a guide, and completion of the Academy will provide skills and tools to meet your agency program goals.
- Program goals focus on technology integration, digital, online or blended learning as it relates to stated goals. (35%)
- Team identifies priorities and specific plans for their project. (40%)
- Administration must show willingness to provide release time for participation. (15%)
- Capacity to provide equipment and technical support. (10%)
Please submit only one team per agency. In addition to reviewing applications based on the above criteria, the selection committee will try to ensure that teams represent a balance of program goals and geographic regions.
Additional Information
If you have questions or need more information, please contact:
Neda Anasseri, OTAN
(916) 228-2580 or nanasseri@otan.us