Framework for quality professional development for practitioners working with adult English language learners
Corporate Name: Center for Adult English Language (CAELA) Network
Publisher: Center for Adult English Language Acquisition
Published At: Washington, DC
Date Published: April 2008
Distributor: Center for Applied Linguistics
Source Address: 4646 40th Street, N.W.
Source City/State/Zip: Washington DC 20016-1859
Phone: (202)-362-0700
Material Type: Guide
Intended Audience: General
Physical Media: Print
Physical Description: 15 p.
Subjects: Adult Education; English (Second Language); Adult Educators; Professional Development; Teacher Education; Teacher Evaluation
The framework details the knowledge and skills that teachers and administrators need to work effectively with adult English language learners, and on the professional development systems and processes to assist practitioners to acquire them. The three components are: content needed by practitioners; process for planning, implementing, and evaluating the professional development; and the context of the practitioners and the staff development. Appendices provide a diagram of the framework, background on the need for professional development in adult education, and references.
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